Promoting Your Student Group Trip

September 18th, 2023

Student group travel and place-based learning are two of the most impactful and memorable experiences a student can have in their educational career. If you don’t agree, just ask them. Students can often be the most influential marketer when it comes to promoting an upcoming student group travel experience. Here are three ways in which students can help promote your next student group travel experience:

1. Before the trip – Have students create posters and flyers to display around your school. Students love to use their creative artistic skills to spread the word, so have them create personalized posters about your student group travel experience to highlight some of the key moments from the trip. Students also love to talk about their experiences, so choose a few former students to share a testimonial about their student group travel experience. These testimonials could be displayed throughout the school, serving as a constant reminder of the impact of a student group travel experience.

2. During the trip – Friends and family love to know what their student is up to; utilizing social media apps during the trip to highlight some of the great memories students are making on their student group travel experience is a great way to stay connected. Apps such as Instagram, Facebook, SnapChat and Tiktok are simple and easy to use to share photos and vlogs in real-time. You can create your own private channels to share images and messages in a safe and secure environment; friends and family will love the opportunity to share the experience with their student. These apps are also a great way for your school community and leaders to experience the power of student group travel.

3. After the trip – Choose students from your most recent trip to create a school-wide presentation. The most impactful way to promote your student group travel experience is by hosting a school-wide presentation featuring former students. Hearing first-hand accounts from peers does the most for building excitement about a student group travel experience. Choose a few of your former students who you think would be able to best articulate the excitement of the trip, and help them create a presentation. They could share photos and stories from their experience, and be available to answer any questions about what to expect.

When it comes to student group travel, students want to hear from their peers about how amazing of an experience it can be. Tap into the power of your students, and have them share their perspectives on the power of student group travel. This will ensure future travelers feel the excitement of the experience and look forward to their own adventure.

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